Rainbow Painting & Decorating has been offering high standards of commercial painting services and work together many years with Real Estate, School, Heritage, Restaurant, Warehouse and more.
At Rainbow Painting & Decorating, we provide detailed on-site painting quotation based on our customers’ needs and expectations of the project.
Rainbow Painting & Decorating has professionally handled multiple small and large projects with Strata, building, maintenance managers, and owners’ committees to keep their building well maintained.
We offer highly efficient and various services to the Strata painting needs all around Sydney areas with our competitive, high quality of workmanship.
We offer various services to the residential interior and exterior painting projects with right choice of quality product, competitive, and high quality of workmanship.
We offer highly efficient and various services to the Strata painting needs all around Sydney areas with our competitive, high quality of workmanship.
35 Barker Ave. Silverwater 2128
Min Hong
0433 828 018
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